Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
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Anti-Bribery Policy

CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD’s (hereinafter referred to as “Convex”) mission as the managing agent of the KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE is to provide a world class facility, managed to world class standards for the conduct of events with a zero tolerance against all forms of bribery and corruption.

Convex has implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System that meets the requirements of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Akta 694) to ensure all our work are conducted in an honest and ethical manner.

This Anti-Bribery Management System provides a framework for setting, reviewing, and achieving the anti-bribery objectives, includes a commitment to:
• conduct business dealings with integrity,
• comply with anti-bribery laws that are applicable,

• continually improve the Anti-Bribery Management System and its performance

We provide appropriate channels for Convex’s team members and interested parties to raise their concerns in good faith or to disclose any possible improprieties or misconduct in confidence, without fear of reprisal or detrimental consequences.

We also provide assurance and support to Convex’s team members that there will be no repercussions if their compliance to the anti-bribery policy results in loss of business to Convex.

The ramifications of any breach of this policy & Anti-Bribery Management System are that such a person might have broken the law and could face disciplinary action that might lead to loss of employment, termination of contracts, judicial fine and/or imprisonment.

Convex has established and maintains an anti-bribery compliance function which is independent and has authority to oversee the design, implementation and management of the Anti-Bribery Management System.

The policy has been communicated in appropriate languages within the organisation, to all persons working for or on our behalf, including business associates within the scope of the Anti-Bribery Management System and is also made available to other interested parties with whom business may be conducted.

As part of the commitment to continuous performance improvement, this policy and Anti-Bribery Management System we will be reviewed and may be amended from time to time.

JOHN BURKE, General Manager
Date: 24 March 2023
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