Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
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Safety & Health Policy

CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD acting as the managing agent of the KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE provides meetings, incentives, conventions and event management services to both Malaysian and international customers.

CONVEX’s objective is to support the long-term sustainability of the travel and tourism sector in Malaysia. However, we recognise that in providing specialised services for this sector of business there is the potential to cause impacts throughout their life cycle by encouraging international and local participants to travel to our Convention Centre. In addition, our activities pose potential risks to the safety and health of the public, our employees, suppliers and contractors through physical, biological, chemical and other hazards created within our place of work and in the food, we serve.

It is our policy to identify those activities and services that have the potential to cause significant social impacts and/or create significant hazards and risks to the safety and health of the public, our employees, suppliers and contractors and to eliminate them where practicable or reduce through treatment or other means their impact or the risk they pose.

Our approach to achieving sustainable outcomes starts with our commitment to complying with and exceeding, where practicable, the relevant Malaysian occupational safety and health legislation and other requirements set by Malaysian law. These requirements are related to our activities and social aspects, safety and health hazards and risks including those determined by our client and/or subscribed by us.

Our overall objectives are to continually improve our social safety and health performance. We will set measurable objectives and targets in terms of social improvements and aim for the elimination of work-related injury and illness. We are also committed to providing safe and healthy workplace for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health that is appropriate to the purpose, size and context of Convex and to the specific nature of our Safety and Health risks and opportunities

Special consideration will be given to employing and empowering local employees, and wherever possible sustainable services will be sourced locally in accordance with Fair Trade principles.

It is our policy to publish the results of our annual performance assessment and this social sustainability, safety & health policy through regular and effective communication with our guests, employees, suppliers, contractors, the local community and other interested parties. We also encourage them to participate in our social programmes, where practicable and to aid in our objective to support the long-term sustainability of the travel and tourism sector.

Our customers, employees, suppliers and contractors are encouraged to read, understand and maintain the intent of our policy within our organisation and to communicate this policy to all those who have an interest in our activities and the services we provide. We are also committed to implementing consultation with our workers and emphasising the participation of our workers in safety and health matters.

This policy will be reviewed periodically along with the results of our safety and health performance and changes made to reflect our ongoing commitment to the safety and health of the public, our employees, suppliers and contractors.

JOHN BURKE, General Manager
Date: 27 March 2023
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